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Grant Shepherd holding a burning smudge stick


Conscious Pathways offers you effective approaches to self-knowledge completely compatible with your busy modern life here and now. Conscious Pathways embraces Meditation, Classical Tantra, Embodiment Work, Conscious Sexuality, and Sacred Ceremony as powerful avenues for your life journey, personal development, and spiritual transformation. Conscious Pathways teachings and practices will help you bring the many benefits of meditation and inner work into your daily life.


Would you like the freedom to learn meditation at your own pace and in a way that suits your life?

Although at first it may sound mystical, learning meditation is one of the most natural and beneficial things you can do, and over time it will enhance all areas of your life. Meditation is at the core of all authentic spiritual traditions; in a nutshell, meditation is about understanding the powerful vital energy that exists within you. This energy is called different things in different spiritual traditions: Kundalini Shakti, Spirit, Atman, Wairua, Wakantanka, to name a few. Many spiritual traditions in the world state that this energy is our true nature; it is who we are beyond the different labels we give ourselves. When we learn about this energy and apply the knowledge of it in our daily lives, we begin to understand ourselves, others, and life, at deeper and deeper levels.

Conscious Pathways teachings and practices draw from authentic and time-honored spiritual traditions: Classical Yoga and Tantra, Taoism, and Ceremony. They are specifically created to work for you in your daily life. Grant founded Conscious Pathways because he saw that many people nowadays wish to learn meditation in a time-efficient way and at their own pace.  Conscious Pathways lessons are accessible, doable, and effective, personalized to you and your unique life needs. On the one hand, the teachings and practices honor ancient wisdom, and on the other, they show you how to apply this timeless wisdom in your life here and now.

Do you wish to learn authentic Tantric and Taoist techniques and practices to help you understand and integrate your sexual energy?

As many spiritual traditions do not effectively address the sexual energy, Grant created this learning pathway for people who wish to learn how to work with their sexual energy in conscious and uplifting ways. Conscious Pathways teachings and practices are authentic, powerful, and effective; drawing from Classical Tantra, they are not "pop-tantra." True Tantra teaches intelligent and respectful ways to work with the sexual energy, including energy work and embodiment practices to help you effectively integrate your sexual energy in balanced and healthy ways. If you are looking to learn how to integrate your sexual energy into your life, then this aspect of Conscious Pathways work is for you.

In any field, it is important to work with a qualified and competent teacher. Grant's journey with meditation and sacred sexuality started nearly three decades ago. He lived in Australia, the USA, and India in spiritual communities dedicated to meditation and the enlightenment process. During this time, he underwent rigorous training in the study and practice of Tantric meditation. Grant received a Master of Studies in Religion from the University of Sydney in Australia, specializing in Kashmir Shaivism, an Indian Tantric philosophy of Consciousness, which teaches active participation in the world while engaging in the enlightenment process.


This focus on honoring life in the world is an integral part of the Conscious Pathways curriculum, which is very suited to our modern world. If your priorities are focused on your family, career, or other goals, there is no need for you to live full-time in a spiritual community. You do not have to go to the mountaintop or forest for an extended time either; you can discover the benefits of meditation right here and now, wherever you are; all you need are the teachings and tools to achieve this. Through Conscious Pathways, Grant makes these teachings and tools available to you.


Isn't it time to start on a Conscious Pathway? If you feel called to do so, Grant would be delighted to speak with you about it. As a gift to you, he offers a 20-minute Discovery Call free of charge. Book a call, let Grant know your goals and objectives, and together create a pathway of learning and self-discovery that works for you and your life.



B.A. (Bachelor Of Arts)
University of Auckland

Majoring in the Humanities in the areas of language and psychology.


M.A. (Master of Arts)
University of Sydney

Studies in Religion with a focus on Indian Tantric Philosophy and Kashmir Shaivism.

Men Hugging

"The Gift to Our Relationship."

Testimonial from Ken & Greg, New York, USA

"Our work with Grant has been a greater gift to our relationship than we ever could have expected. The practices we’ve learned have brought us closer in so many ways. The demands of day-to-day life can be so intense. Grant’s exercises bring us home to the essence of our connection, again and again.

Through his coaching, we have a toolkit of simple daily practices that move us into a visceral experience of sacred love. And what could be better than that?


Grant's teaching is based on many years of solid deep and intensive meditation training. It’s the real deal. It’s not “pop tantra.” One of us has been meditating seriously for many decades, and the other is completely new to meditation. Amazingly, both of us feel equally at home with the practices he teaches. There is a sense of purity in his whole approach that inspires our trust.


We are so grateful for what he has given us. And equally excited about what we are yet to learn!"

Ken Page LCSW, Founder of Deeper Dating.

Greg Romer, Sr. Dir of Application Architecture at S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Image by Darius Bashar of young man meditating by river

"In the matter of a few months, I’ve changed into a happy, virile, and potent man.

Testimonial from John, Melbourne, Australia

 "Most of us guys will find at times in their lives a waning interest in all things sexual,

resulting in erectile dysfunction and a decrease in overall wellbeing. My black period started after a life-changing illness, and after three and a half years I decided to do something about it. I didn’t want to trouble my doctor with more of my health issues, and viewed ED as a trivial matter; I couldn’t have been more wrong.


I discovered Grant Shepherd completely by chance, a friend of a friend on Facebook. A brief look at his FB page sparked my interest: Meditation, Conscious Sexuality, and Intimacy Facilitator. 

I got in touch with Grant and this is the result: I very sheepishly told him of my problem and asked if he worked in this field of men’s sexual wellbeing, his reply was immediate and emphatically, yes. We arranged a one-hour, live Facebook Messenger consultation. Grant was professional, very friendly, and immediately put me at ease. We discussed my problem at length, and he explained to me from his perspective exactly what was going on and why it was happening. By the finish of that first meeting, I already felt lifted and relieved that I’d finally done something and made a new friend. 

My own approach to ED (that I’m sure will resonate with many men) was to watch a bit of porn and whack away at it hoping for a result. Since that first meeting, Grant Shepherd has introduced me to techniques and practices that have not only addressed my problem, but resulted in an overall improvement of my health and wellbeing.


My initial feelings about Tantra were, to say the least, sceptical; that all changed within a few weeks. Grant has tailored a bespoke regime of sexual exercises for me, he has gently and thoughtfully taken me through these practices to ensure I get the very best results. We meet face-to-face weekly to discuss my progress and review my techniques. This is always friendly, informative, and above all, very professional. In the matter of a few months, I’ve changed from a depressed miserable soul into a happy, virile, and potent man. 

Grant has helped me immensely. He has re-introduced me to myself, taught me how to be kind to myself and to enjoy life as a man. He has become a friend and person that I feel very confident about sharing my most intimate details with, details that I’d perhaps find difficult discussing with my doctor or best friend. 

Any guys reading this short testimonial who may be suffering in silence and embarrassment, reach out, take that first step, get in touch, and say hello to Grant Shepherd, I am certainly glad I did."

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