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Learn Tantric Meditation to improve your quality of life, here and now.

  • 45 minutes
  • Online or in-person

Service Description

Conscious Pathways teaches Tantric Meditation aligned with Kashmir Shaivism, an Indian Tantric body of teachings that emphasizes the simplicity and naturalness of meditation. Kashmir Shaivism shows ways to deeply understand yourself while living in the world and fulfilling your duty in it. Tantric meditation, although mystical, is also practical, doable, highly beneficial, and completely compatible with modern life. In Conscious Pathways, we explore meditation in a variety of ways: Formal seated meditation, Tantric energy work focusing on Kundalini Shakti, our natural energy of meditation, and concentration techniques and open-eyed meditation. We learn how to effectively and easily practice these techniques to deepen our overall wellbeing, enhance self-acceptance and self-understanding. Kashmir Shaivism offers us the opportunity to grow spiritually while remaining engaged in the world. It does not demand lengthy retreat from the world in order for us to progress spiritually. Like other tantric traditions, it actively uses many aspects of our daily life to deepen our awareness of energy: breath, conscious and mindful action, one-pointed attention on the senses, connection to our surroundings, and more. In Tantric Energy Work and Meditation Learning Sessions you will: 1. Discover time-honored and effective meditation and mindfulness techniques to work with your mind and body to connect within and live from a place of joy, freedom, and ease in daily life. 2. Establish and/or deepen an effective and nurturing meditation practice wherever you are. 3. Learn powerful Tantric Energy Work practices to help you recognize and consciously work with the kundalini energy, the energy of Tantra. 4. Seamlessly integrate your Tantric Energy Work and Meditation practices into your daily life for your ongoing personal and spiritual growth. 5. Learn how Tantric Energy Work can take your meditation practice to the next level, leading to deeper and deeper levels of self-knowledge and understanding.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule a session please make contact at least 12 hours from your scheduled session.

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